Nation Association Of Letter Carriers Branch 320

Nalc Branch 320 Home Page From The President Photo Gallery Branch Events Submit Ideas Members Page Archives Raffles


We welcome you to Michigan's North Oakland Branch 320 website. We hope to make this a place you would all like to visit on a regular basis. Our intentions are to keep the site updated as often as possible, so check back often.


Potter quote of the day:

If things go his way, Saturday deliveries would end next spring, he told customers in Nashville.

"The value of going to four days -- removing a second day -- is even greater," he said. Although no such plans exist, Potter said that Tuesdays are the second-slowest day of the week.

Keep Geniuses Out Of The Post Office

On a macro-economic level, high government pay and benefits attracts away from private industry many of the ‘best and brightest’ people.  By way of example, a friend of mine is a psychologist who has done extensive IQ testing on postal employees.  His testing found that the average intelligence of postal employees is significantly higher than the public at large with some in menial jobs having genius level IQs.  This is not by accident, it is because the post office has high admission testing standards that select the best and brightest. More here.

Branch Officers:

President - Bill R. Miller       

 Vice President - Gary Hoffman

Secretary -  Juan V. Montes      

Treasurer -  Richard Winstead

Dir. Retirees -  Daniel  Florkowski

Sgt. at Arms -  Alfredo Ybarra

Dir. Health Benefits -  Tanya Curry-Harris

Trustee  -  John M. Johnson

Trustee - Patti Purchiaroni

Trustee  -  Don Barton


2010 Financial Plan For Postal Service Retains 6 Day Delivery . Read Story Here.




 Local Letter Carrier Retires Due To Shady Past!





Its Not Nice To Bite The Mailman, Is It?



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NALC  Branch 320 website is designed by the Officers and Members of Branch 320, North Oakland County. Any Branch 320 Member may submit material for possible inclusion in this website. Submitted materials may be edited for space or suitability. The opinions expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of Branch 320.